Heating and cooling systems manufacturers

World's best plate heat exchangers.

Custom air handling systems up to 60,000 CFM

Multi-Split variable refrigerant flow heat pump systems from 3 to 30 HP.

Perimeter and in-row precision-type air conditioning units from 1/2 to 30 HP

- Window air conditioners
- Water/air source heat pumps from 0.5 to 30 T

Arena and pool dehumidifiers and humidity control

Cooling and heating coils

ECODAN's Air-Water heat pumps (AEROTHERMAL) are made from an outdoor packaged VRF unit producing glycol water up to 158°F (72°C).

Heat recovery ventilators from 70 to 3,000 CFM

Water source VRF systems

Heating & Cooling Systems

High quality geothermal units.

Commercial rooftop Mini-Split from 2 to 27 HP

Air and water cooled mobile units from 0.5 to 10 T

World leader in energy recovery cores

Custom air handling units

Shelter air conditioning units with economizer

High quality industrial cooling towers

World leader in HVAC systems

- 4-way ice water fancoils & air makeup units.
- Dedicated 100% outside air rooftop system from 5 to 40T

The inventor of Mini-Split systems since 1954

Chilled water fan coil units

SYSCOOL « Free Cooling » natural cooling
OASIS indirect air economizer up to 600 kW

High capacity fluid coolers with adiabatic system with water jets or wall

Energy recovery ventilator

Enertrak's expertise in air conditioners, heat pumps and air handling units

Pioneer in magnetic chillers

1 to 10 Ton precision cooling for data centers and telecommunications.

The inventor of chilled beams

Commercial rooftop Mini-Split from 2 to 27 HP

Portable air conditioners

High quality modular air handling unit

Heat pump for our Canadian climate

Multi-Split heat pump for our Canadian climate